Breeder Services

  • Pet Taxi

    We know how crazy life can get along with having so many pups it can get a little crazy. With this service, we will take your pups to their vet checks & to their forever homes. We will share out location with you so you can see where we are at all times when we have your pups with us.

  • Puppy Watch

    We know with most breeds you have to have a watch full eye on little ones. It can lead to sleepless nights. With this service, we will come to your home and be either the Night nanny or day nanny so you can catch up on sleep, errands, or maybe just some quiet time.

  • Puppy Training

    Have your puppy learn the basics while they are waiting for their forever homes. We will spend one hour a day with your pups posting them on our social media to show people what new skills they have.

  • Pick up on the fly

    Made a choice to get a new pup for breeding but not sure when you will be able to pick them up. We would love to help you bring your furry new family member home. We will share our location with you so you can see where your pup is at all times along with videos and pictures.